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January 16, 2019 Hadley Ott
This is a new featured section in our 2019 newsletter to outline answers to questions we most commonly get asked.
This month we are focused on Seller Safety: Things to Remember when Listing Your Home.
Question: How can I keep my belongings and my house safe during the open house and showings?
1) Remove prescription drugs
Preferably remove, or at least lock them up, prior to an open house or showings.

2) Stow away or remove valuables
As your Realtor, we are not responsible for theft from your home and want to ensure your most prized possessions are kept safe! Remove or lock up all jewelry, guns and ammunition, family heirlooms, expensive technology, and anything else priceless in your home.
3) Remove family photos
For your safety, please remove all personal family photos – as cute as they may be!
4) Make a house safe for the buyers and the agent
Ensure you have working lights in all rooms, no loose floorboards or other tripping hazards, close any open railings, and keep your driveway and walkways clear of ice, snow, and debris.
5) Keep the house locked
Let us know if you have a video monitor on the home so we can disclose that to prospective viewers, but always ensure doors and windows are locked.

6) Beware of unexpected visitors coming to your doorstep

With the real estate sign in your yard, prospective buyers have been known to knock on doors to get a quick tour while they are in the area. Please make sure to screen your visitors and preferably, not let anyone inside you were not expecting.
If you have a question you’d like us to answer in this segment, please email or text us your question any time! We’ll be happy to address any question in an upcoming newsletter.